How to Have a Dog-Friendly Stay in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
贝博体彩app的狗比孩子还多. That's what makes it such a great place to visit with your dog.

How to Have a Dog-Friendly Stay in San Francisco

San Francisco is a perfect city to visit with your dog. @hellorubydoodle展示了四条腿的同伴如何像你一样享受贝博体彩app.

San Francisco is known as a place where everyone is 总是受欢迎—and that courtesy extends to our four-legged friends, as well. 事实上, 最近的一项研究 在全美对宠物最友好的城市中,贝博体彩app名列第一!

这里有壮丽的景色,可以攀登陡峭的山丘, 漂亮的公园 在那里狗狗可以更多地结交自己的朋友 户外就餐 机会比以往任何时候都多 酒店 即使是你的小狗也会对贝博体彩app留下深刻的印象. 大多数商店允许你带着小狗进去, 在过去的一年里,贝博体彩app的酒吧和餐馆里涌现出了许多小公园,狗狗已经成为这里的常客.


这座城市有大量的开放空间供狗玩耍,它们得到了非常好的照顾. 例如,金门公园的狗公园 最近重新开放 2美元之后.400万翻新! You can also walk around San Francisco knowing that, 在每个街区, doggie bag dispensers and garbage cans are readily available, 这意味着你永远不必担心你的散步伙伴可能需要在何时何地照顾你的生意.

展示有多少是为你的狗同伴在城市的海湾, we invited Melanie and her mini-Australian labradoodle, 红宝石——背后充满活力的二人组 HelloRubyDoodle我来拜访你. Check out their weekend itinerary to get inspired for your next trip.


A number of San Francisco 酒店 are pet-friendly, but if you want one that's good for dogs and close to 受欢迎的景点,提供壮丽的景色,并设有优秀的餐饮选择,然后你会想留在 贝博体彩app联合广场希尔顿酒店. 就像它位于市中心一样, 当你准备在贝博体彩app度过一个有趣的周末时,希尔顿联合广场是一个让你找到方向的好地方.

The 贝博体彩app联合广场希尔顿酒店 is pet-friendly, allowing travelers to check in with up to 2 dogs per room. 许多房间都设有阳台, 让你和你毛茸茸的朋友不用离开房间就能呼吸到新鲜空气. Dog beds, yummy treats, and water bowls are available in-room. 

鲁比睡午觉的时候,梅兰妮在休息 城市景观, 酒店's stylish bar all the way up on the 46th floor. 客人可以选择以贝博体彩app社区命名的创意鸡尾酒, 来自附近纳帕和索诺玛的葡萄酒, 还有当地人最喜欢的精酿啤酒, 还有轻微的咬伤. 

第2天:标志性体验. 1

When you've got a lot to see and an eager travel companion like Ruby, it's important to start the day with a good breakfast. 你可以边走边吃早餐 酒店或者去贝博体彩app的任何一家 令人难以置信的餐馆.

Melanie and Ruby started their day with breakfast at Jane On 菲尔莫. 这个受欢迎的地方供应美味的咖啡, 新鲜出炉的面包, 还有其他很好的选择来开始新的一天. 梅勒妮推荐蛋清帕尼尼. Jane On 菲尔莫 offers plenty of outdoor seating perfect for puppies. 你一定会看到各种各样的品种在这片繁忙的街区闲逛.

早餐后, 梅兰妮和鲁比沿着菲尔莫尔街向南走到阿拉莫广场公园, 是贝博体彩app标志性建筑的所在地 涂女士. 这些著名的、色彩斑斓的住宅(都是私人住宅)是世界上上镜最多的地方之一. 从公园东边的山顶上, you'll get a terrific view of the park's green grass in the foreground, 中间的彩绘女郎, 以及远处高耸的贝博体彩app天际线. 然而,这并不是公园所能提供的全部. 在对面, there's a large off-leash area for dogs to run and roll around in, so even they can enjoy running after the ball (and the view). 和贝博体彩app的许多公园一样,公园里甚至还有幼犬高度的饮水机.

Heading back toward the bay, over the hills, and through busy 社区 有很多东西可以看(和闻), 梅兰妮和鲁比来到了贝博体彩app另一个标志性的地方:美术宫. 这个巨大的, 古典建筑是1915年巴拿马-太平洋国际博览会留下的唯一遗迹, 这是一个全球性的事件,在1906年的地震和火灾之后,贝博体彩app重新回到了地图上. Its colonnade reaches out to encircle a small lagoon and park, where turtles and a variety of birds can always be found. (It might be best to keep your travel companion on a leash here.)

From there, you and your pup can go explore the nearly 1,500 acres of 的要塞. 以前的军事基地,现在是广阔的金门国家娱乐区的一部分, 普雷西迪奥充满了蜿蜒的小径和开放的空间,非常适合与四条腿的朋友一起探索. 许多地方允许你的狗不拴狗绳. 田纳西山谷小径只有1英里.5 miles but gets you close to some native wildlife. 加州海岸步道是2级.5-mile journey that gives you great views of the Pacific Ocean. The Main Lawn of 的要塞 is a great place to bring your furry buddy. 你可以在那里遇到其他宠物. 除了迷人的景色,普雷西迪奥还有安迪·戈尔兹沃西(Andy Goldsworthy)非凡的户外艺术品. “尖塔,“木线”,“树倒了。”," and "Earth Wall" are all created from natural materials found on site.

You'll have worked up an appetite by this point in the day, so why not exit 的要塞 at the 朗伯德街 gate and explore 码头? 沿着栗子街和联合街, the two parallel main drags of the neighborhood, 你会发现很多吃饭的好地方——很多都有露台和小公园,很容易和狗一起吃饭. Palm House serves Caribbean-inspired creations. Perry’s是一家贝博体彩app的机构,提供所有的主食:多汁的汉堡, 放纵的方, 和烈性酒. 栗子街的A16因其意大利美食赢得了米其林指南的荣誉. 梅兰妮和鲁比选择在野生种子餐厅停留,品尝这座城市提供的最好的素食美食. 他们的墨西哥玉米饼和甜菜戳是他们最受好评的菜.

当然,离水这么近意味着贝博体彩app的另一个标志性建筑就在附近: 金门大桥. 午饭后, 梅兰妮和露比去了克里西球场, 广阔的草地和沙滩为游客提供了美丽的桥景, 从它下面经过的船只, 还有在上面翻滚的雾. A popular spot for dog owners— given its flat terrain, 前往海滩的通道, and sheer size—your travel buddy is sure to make some new friends here.

For dinner on this second evening, Melanie and Ruby decided to explore 任务. As the center of Latino culture and cuisine in San Francisco, there are literally dozens of choices along Valencia, 格雷罗州, 和教会街, 很多都是对狗友好的. 梅兰妮决定试试Loló, a bright and welcoming restaurant that serves up the flavors of Jalisco, 包括瓜达拉哈拉在内的墨西哥部分. According to Melanie, their avocado tacos are not to be missed!

第3天/标志性体验. 2

在他们的最后一天,梅兰妮和鲁比想参观贝博体彩app的几个著名景点. 他们名单上的第一个是 渔人码头. This neighborhood is home to some of the city's 最受欢迎的景点. One hidden gem of the neighborhood is Umbrella Alley. 位于泳滩街, 对面的缆车转弯, 这种狭隘, 宠物友好的小巷两旁挂满了当地艺术家的壁画,还有五颜六色的遮阳伞. It's the perfect photo spot for you or your dog.

Having covered Alamo Square Park and 的要塞, 梅兰妮和鲁比决定去贝博体彩app更多的开放空间探险. 这一次他们尽了最大的努力, exploring Lands End and its trails that lead to the edge of the continent! Within this park, you'll find great views across the Golden Gate to Marin. 不过要小心:这里的风可能会很大,有些小径相当陡峭. Watch your footing and keep your furry friend on the leash.

Lands End小径的终点是 海水浴场. 这些地基是贝博体彩app居民曾经的时尚目的地:一个由各种大小的游泳池组成的综合体, 温度, 和盐度. They were the dream project of entrepreneur and former mayor Adolph Sutro, and they were all the rage at the turn of the 20th century. 当时的城市要小得多,苏特罗浴场有自己的小铁路! 

在兰兹角和要塞之间 贝克海滩这是一片大多数游客都不知道的沙滩,当地人非常珍惜. 贝克海滩有着悠久的历史,因为它是最初的火人节的发源地. 这是一个安静的地方, 风景优美的, 还有遛狗公园, 在你开始回家之前,你的狗朋友可以在哪里消耗一些多余的能量.

Ready to plan your own Bay Area visit with your pet? 看看城里更多的选择,比如 帕洛阿尔托研究中心55 or 贝博体彩app金融区希尔顿酒店. Discover other pet-friendly locations and great places to stay with over 湾区有40家希尔顿酒店 (check with each hotel for their updated pet policy).


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 为巨人队加油. 
